The classic Ranma ½ anime adapted from Rumiko Takahashi's popular manga, is a quirky and delightful series that blends martial arts, comedy, and romance (sometimes ecchi) in a unique and entertaining way. The story revolves around cursed Ranma Saotome, a martial artist who, due to a mishap during training, transforms into a girl whenever he comes into contact with cold water and reverts back to a boy with hot water. This bizarre condition sets the stage for a plethora of comedic scenarios and misunderstandings with one of the best side characters you'll ever meet.
Thursday, June 6, 2024
Ranma ½ 7/10
Saturday, October 7, 2023
Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman aka More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers 6/10
This anime gave me a headache as well "blue balls" (though I'm female). A love story that revolves around high schoolers that are constantly horny for each other, but can't seem to just say "I love you". In this case, even their school is forcing the students to be married for some psycho reason, and our main protagonist still acts like a fool every second he gets a chance.
Golden Boy 7/10
"Golden Boy" is a short anime series based on a manga of the same name written by Tatsuya Egawa. This classic consists of six episodes and was originally released in 1995, known for its adult humor and ecchi content. The art and soundtrack are pretty good as well, which why it still holds up.
Yoiko 8/10
'Yoiko' is a classic (to me), hilarious, ecchi anime from the late 90s. The story is about Fuuka, an elementary school student that looks like a hot 20-year-old. So of course everybody mistakes her for an adult, which brings her into one funny situation after another. This idea inspired many other manga/anime from today.
Her female teacher wants to look like her, the young boys in her class fall in love with her, and then there's her perverted cousin (I think) Jiro who involuntary shares his bedroom with her, and feels cursed by the god of masturbation. Fuuka's mind sure is one of a child! Her unusual ideas and her naive soul is essential to the comedy of Yoiko.
The animation is nothing outstanding, but you do get some fan service, well mainly Fuuka in lingerie or naked under the shower lol. I just laughed through all episodes, every character is crazy and so is their behavior (especially the teacher's) and all of them make this show a happy meal for the audience, the eps. are rather short (10-12 minutes), but because the show is so funny it feels more like 5-minute episodes! So if you don't mind old school anime art (which I love), you will probably enjoy this, too. And although I say this is an ecchi anime, it's far away from being dirty. Give it a try!
Sousou no Frieren 8/10
"Sousou no Frieren" is a breathtaking anime that delves into the profound themes of friendship, mortality, and the passage of tim...