Saturday, March 23, 2024

Sousou no Frieren - What do the German names mean?

Did you watch the great fantasy anime Sousou no Frieren already? You can read my review of the anime here.


 You will notice that all the names of the characters, and sometimes cities etc., are German words - since I speak German I made a list with translation of those names, which often describe the characteristics of the person well.

Main characters

Frieren means being cold, freezing

Himmel means heaven

Heiter means cheery

Eisen means iron

Stark means strong

Fern means far away 

Other characters

Aura means aura

Blei mean lead

Burg means castle

Denken means to think

Draht means wire

Dünste means fumes

Edel means noble

Ehre means honor

Falsch means wrong

Flamme means flame

Gabel means fork

Genau means precise

Granat means garnet

Kanne means pot (water or tea pot)

Kraft means power

Land means land

Laufen means to run

Lawine means avalanche

Lecker means tasty

Lernen means to learn

Linie means line

Länge means length

Lügner means liar

Methode means method

Mut means bravery

Orden means medal

Qual means agony

Richter means judge

Scharf means spicy

Sein means to be

Sense means scythe

Serie means series, sequence

Stolz means pride

Ton means clay or sound (depends on context)

Voll means full

Wirbel means whirl

Wirt means innkeeper

Übel means bad, evil, sick (depends on context, but it's always negative)


Holy City of Strahl "Strahl" means ray

Warm City "Warm" means warm

Größe Forest "Größe" means size

Brett Region "Brett" means plank

Voll Basin "Voll" means full

Wille Region "Wille" means will

Riegel Canyon "Riegel" means latch

Wal City "Wal" means whale

Klee Region "Klee" means clover

Eng Road "Eng" means tight 

Decke Region "Decke" means blanket

Schwer Mountains "Schwer" means heavy

Appetit Region "Appetit" means appetite

Alt Woods "Alt" means old

Rad Region "Rad" means wheel

Bande Woods "Bande" means gang

Laub Hills "Laub" means leaves

Vorig City "Vorig" means former

Klar Region "Klar" means clear

Rohr Road "Rohr" means tube

Offen Mountain Range "Offen" means open

Kühl Region "Kühl" means cool

Äußerst City "Äußerst" means exceedingly or furthest (depends on context)

Grobe Basin "Grobe" means broad or rough

Saum Wetlands "Saum" means hem

Great Sanft Forest "Sanft" means gentle 

Fabel Village "Fabel" means fable

Graf Dach's Domain "Dach" means roof

Etwas Mountain Range "Etwas" means something

Heiß City "Heiß" means hot

Nachricht Region "Nachricht" means message or news

Bier Region "Bier" means beer

Rufen Region "Rufen" means to call

Drache Region "Drache" means dragon

Lake Korridor  "Korridor" means corridor

Great Tor Canyon "Tor" means gate

Schmal Snowfield "Schmal" means narrow

Weise Region "Weise" means wise

Ernst Region "Ernst" means earnest, serious

Wissen Mountains "Wissen" means knowledge

Kino Mountains "Kino" means cinema

Bohne Village "Bohne" means bean

Farbe Region "Farbe" means color

Hören Region "Hören" means to hear

Aufgabe Federation "Aufgabe" means task

Eisberg Imperial Capital "Eisberg" means iceberg

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