"Golden Boy" is a short anime series based on a manga of the same name written by Tatsuya Egawa. This classic consists of six episodes and was originally released in 1995, known for its adult humor and ecchi content. The art and soundtrack are pretty good as well, which why it still holds up.
This anime is one of a kind, I haven't seen such ero-comedy before or since GB. Each episode basically starts with him trying a different job, there he meets hot women and shows us, just how much of a pervert he is. But Kintaro also showcases his resourcefulness and ability to adapt to various challenges, where we see his personal growth. The rather unrealistic part is, all the women eventually fall in love with him as well, but what's the point of anime, if the main character can't fulfill everyone's fantasies by proxy?
The ladies we meet are not just good looking though, they have interesting jobs and personalities as well (unlike the girls in hentai), for example, the swim teacher and the company boss. It's thanks to this supporting cast the show never gets boring and keeps your attention. The stories aren't anything revolutionary, he usually ends up helping the women in some way, and they fall for him, but he just jumps on his bike and moves on to the next adventure. That's the whole plot, and it works!
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